
Ravencrest Publishing Inc

A small publishing company on a mission, of making a difference one book at a time. Giving voice to thought provoking authors!

Ravencrest Publishing, an imprint of Cubbie Blue Publishing Inc.

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In 2006, Cubbie Blue Publishing created the imprint Ravencrest Publishing. Ravencrest Publishing was created to give a voice to thought provoking authors and deliver important works inspired by native wisdom and traditions.Ravencrest’s first titles were by CALVIN HELIN, a bestselling multi-award winning author, international speaker, entrepreneur, lawyer, and activist for self-reliance. It’s an unlikely success story, from someone with an impoverished childhood, growing up in a remote Native American village. The son of a hereditary chief, Helin’s first book, Dances with Dependency: Out of Poverty through Self-Reliance, was based on his own experiences, and written to help eradicate the kind of poverty he faced as a child. A seven-time bestseller, Helin’s landmark guide provided a blueprint to help Native American populations break free from “the welfare trap” of government dependence. During his extensive research for Dances with Dependency, Helin learned that the corrosive effects of economic dependency are not limited to the poor, but apply to other social classes, businesses and governments. His second book, The Economic Dependency Trap: Breaking Free to Self-Reliance, Helin speaks to what he calls “the most deceptive pandemic of the 21st Century,” providing a plan for transforming economic dependency into healthier outcomes across all echelons of society – from minority groups, to middle class Americans. This book has won the Gold Medal in the IPPY Awards (Self-Help), and was a finalist in the COVR Visionary Awards (General Interest/Self-Help), Next Generation Indie Book Awards.
We discovered the perfect author to exemplify our mission in Calvin Helin. Drawing lessons of success from his native history; Helin delivers a message of self-reliance as a way out of poverty, undeterred and unafraid of being politically incorrect. Therefore, it is befitting to launch our new Ravencrest imprint with his Dances’ series. Calvin’s father and grandmother, both hereditary Tsimshian Nation Tribal Leaders, sent him on a quest when he was twelve years old with the sole purpose of making a difference – for the better – in the lives of those less fortunate. This quest, those many years ago, along with his advocacy work of self-reliance on behalf of indigenous nations led to Calvin’s desire to inspire and educate by writing the Dances’ series of books. We are launching this exciting new series with Dances with Dependency, Out of Poverty through Self-Reliance, which will effectively assist the underprivileged of all nations to find their own path to happiness and wealth through self-reliance.

Ravencrest Publishing is proud to publish eight, Early Reader, (5-9) children's books by Randa Handler;
The Boy Who Spoke To God where a young Greek boy, in this folk tale, helps feuding Greek, Mayan, Zulu and Chinese tribes find peace & harmony via his dreams of a perfect God. A great way to open dialogue about different beliefs with children. Available in all formats including audio books and Spanish and Chinese versions.
If I Were King, a fun jungle animal tale, that tackles boundaries and differences in a fun way. Available in all formats including audio books and Spanish versions.
Cubbie Blue & His Dog Dot, Book One. Book two, (What's Up With Mike?) and now book three (New), I See You. The fun colorful characters with their multiracial friends help anyone interested in talking diversity to any child. Available in all formats including audio books. Some are available in Spanish.
The Thanksgiving Dinner Platter, Takari. a Japanese American eight year old and her best friend, Little Sparrow, a Native American boy discover the true meaning of Thanksgiving and why it became a national holiday. Funny enough, there is a real cornbread recipe embedded in the book. Honoring the way cornbread was made that first Thanksgiving feast! 
Takari's Missing Bearcub, (NEW) Randa Handler is an international journalist, publicist, and publisher. In 2003, Handler’s publishing company successfully launched an educational series of children’s books that are used as ‘lesson plans’ by elementary school teachers. Handler is currently dedicated to writing and illustrating children’s books with multiracial characters that instill a tolerance and love of diversity. 
Flag Day Camping, (New) First installment in the Takari & Little Sparrow series, Takari, a Japanese American eight year old girl and her best friend, Little Sparrow, a Native American boy go camping, embrace each other's differences while learning about Flag Day, flag folding and why we need rules even though we're free. 
Takari's Missing Bear-cub, (New) Book 2 in the Takari & Kittle Sparrow series. Takari, a Japanese American eight year old and her best friend, Little Sparrow, a Native American boyy, learn how to protect wildlife and the environment and how to lessen their Eco footprints while protecting Mama bear and her cub's habitat from logging.
Please check online at Randa's author page 
http://www.amazon.com/author/randahandler to see which books are still available in hardcover. Limited hardcover versions are still available until out-of-print. You can also check her Cubbie Blue's namesake website. (Yes, he has his own site) for news,http:www.cubbieblue.com  
We are proud of Randa’s rave reviews and elated that teachers as well as parents are finding her mainstream books useful to talk and embrace diversity.
Ravencrest Publishing will continue to introduce titles of wisdom and pioneering ideas by giving voice to literary works focusing on indigenous life and art, with the single-minded purpose of inspiring and educating. In the process we’ve made a commitment to producing books with environmental mindfulness. Whenever possible, we use recycled material and try to promote an educational and green solution. We hope to demonstrate that any business can help safe-keep the planet for our children. See Why Calvin Helin’s self help books are changing so many lives!

Ravencrest Publishing is an imprint of Cubbie Blue Publishing, Inc.. To read more about Cubbie Blue Publishing and see a list of their current books click here.
MISS AMERICA 2000, Heather French Henry, with her Claire's Adventures  educational #childrensbooks 

randa handler

Randa Handler is an international journalist, publicist, and publisher. In 2003, Handler’s publishing company Cubbie Blue Publishing Inc., successfully launched an educational series of children’s books, Claire’s Adventures with Miss America 2000, to benefit Veterans. These books are still used as ‘lesson plans’ by elementary school teachers. Handler is currently dedicated to writing and illustrating children’s books with multiracial characters that instill a tolerance and love of diversity.

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